2 Arena Central renamed to 1 Centenary Square is a 10-storey office building that is to become HSBC’s UK head office. The 210,000 sq ft. building will accommodate up to 2,500 HSBC employees once completed and will be handed over ready for occupancy in early 2018.
1 Centenary Square is part of a wider development by Miller Developments called Arena Central. When complete, Arena Central will boast 670,000 sq. ft of office accommodation and up to 530,000 sq. ft of residential space accompanied by retail and leisure facilities.

Why Galliford Try Chose Createmaster

Galliford Try understand how crucial a full set of quality O&Ms are to achieving PC and satisfying the needs of end users.

Galliford Try previously managed O&Ms internally but the complex nature of stakeholder and client requirements at Two Arena Central meant there was not the internal capacity to run the process effectively.

Createmaster were appointed to manage the process based on their industry experience and expertise in managing structured data and O&Ms on large-scale complex projects.

By outsourcing, Galliford Try have freed up valuable time and resource to focus on the construction process.

How the project was managed

A dedicated project lead and team of assistants are following the construction programme, managing 40 trades working on site through meetings, phone calls, email, and site based support.

Galliford Try review real project progress via regular status reports and on-site review meetings throughout the construction phases.

A Createmaster led, incremental review process with relevant package managers and consultants, will ensure the technical accuracy of the final as built information.

An offline solution was developed as opposed to a cloud based solution due to end user security requirements.

Delivering Quality O&Ms At Project Completion

All project handover documentation to satisfy the Employer’s Information Requirements will be delivered on-time at PC including;

CDM 2015 compliant Health & Safety Files

Building Manuals including 40 individual trade O&Ms

Enhanced Asset Register & Planned Preventative Maintenance Schedule

CIBSE TM31 Building Log Book

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