Gateway 3 Management for Compliance: Passing the Stop/Go Decision Point

Taking the pain out of Building Safety Act Gateway 3 compliance.


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This webinar is best for:

  • Contractors
  • Asset Owners / Principal Accountable Persons (PAPs)

Since new Building Safety Act provisions came into force in October, and all new higher-risk residential buildings (HRRBs) must be Gateway 3 compliant, how will you be tracking compliance, so you don’t get stuck at this decision point?

Only once Gateway 3 has been passed and a completion certificate released by the Building Safety Regulator (BSR), can a new HRRB be registered for occupation with the BSR.

Without this a contractor will not be able to hand over a building to the asset owner who, in turn, won’t be able to register their building, preventing them from moving residents in.

In this webinar, we’ll discuss why, without understanding what information is required, your information gaps and then having a mechanism to track progress and deliver that information, you won’t be able to process your Gateway 3 application with the BSR which could cause undue delays.

Ensuring you have the right systems in place built, not only to support a comprehensive data set but help you meet compliance, is vital and should be the foundation of your overall process.

Things you’ll learn:

  • Building Safety Act 2022 revisited: Understanding the new regulatory regime and responsibilities.
  • New decision points during design and construction: Strengthening oversight and regulatory control over high-rise buildings.
  • Gateway 3 requirements: How to prepare for the application process.
  • Streamlining digital asset information and O&M Manual management for Building Safety Act compliance.
  • Centralising digital O&Ms for efficient handover in compliance with Building Safety Act requirements.
  • Why the CDE you have today may not be up to the job of achieving Gateway 3 compliance.